Contact Friends

Please note your contact information and your question or concern where indicated below. A member of Friends' board will receive the information and will get in touch with you soon. You may also email Friends at

Current Board of Directors:
President:  Leah Dean
Vice President: Linda Timm
Secretary: Maureen Hart-Donahue
Treasurer:  Vicky Dargis

Current Board Members:
Acquisitions: Jennifer West
Book Room: Emily Burkholder
Donations and Book Sorting Coordinator: Francine Curtis
eBay Sales and Research:  Jan Concannon
Membership:  Ellen Mei
Newsletter Editor: Steph Salvia 
Publicity/Community Relations: Emily Hartmann
Volunteers: Reesa Gottschalk
At Large Members: Millie Salomon, Dianne Messar, Christine Perez, Alice Rozek, Joanne Johnson, Mary Trainor
Honorary Board Member: Helen Dooley


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