Volunteers Needed

Friends of the Whitefish Bay Public Library need your help!!

Friends raises money for our library with twice-yearly book sales, the Library Book Room, eBay sales and have funded new furniture and equipment, readings programs, the self check-out stations and a whole lot more.  

But for all of that to continue, we need more volunteers.

We’re looking for help with:

  • Sorting and shelving book donations
  • Wrapping and shipping eBay purchases
  • Researching donated books for possible eBay sales (finding those unexpected treasures!)
  • Stocking and monitoring the Library Book Room (next to the front desk)
  • Working the Book Sales

Our team usually works Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the Library basement for two-hour sessions but we are very flexible about the number of hours worked and when.

Join our team today!

Email us at FriendsWFBLibrary@gmail.com. Include your name, email address and phone number.

If you can’t volunteer, please spread the word that we’re looking for volunteers, especially if you know of any students looking for summer volunteer opportunities. Working at a community Library looks great on a resume!
